Homemade Creme Fraiche Experiment

Homemade Creme Fraiche Experiment

How to make creme fraiche since it’s so expensive in the grocery stores, especially if you need a lot of it! Using buttermilk or liquid whey, we’ll experiment with how much to use and how long it cultures to get that texture and tang.

0:00 Homemade Creme Fraiche
0:10 What is Creme Fraiche, how to cook with it
0:48 Experiment overview & what is liquid whey
1:53 Creme Fraiche Recipe & Results
4:36 What to do with extra creme fraiche
4:58 What is Liquid Whey
5:42 Why Make Creme Fraiche
6:25 What to do with extra cream

Homemade Creme Fraiche Recipe

Instructions: For every cup of pasteurized (not ultra-pasteurized) cream, use 2 tablespoons of liquid buttermilk or liquid whey, in a clean jar. Cover with a cheesecloth or coffee filter and set in a warm place for 12-24 hours, like an oven with the light on. 12 hours for mild, thin creme fraiche; 24 hours for tangier, thicker creme fraiche. Set in the fridge for another 24 hours to set. Good for about a month.

Liquid Whey

Buy (or make) good quality unsweetened yogurt (regular, not thick/greek). Place a fine mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth or muslin cloth over a large bowl. Pour in the yogurt and let sit for a few hours. The liquid that drains out is the liquid whey.

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